What is an FCE?

What is and FCE?

What IS an FCE?

An FCE is a comprehensive exam used to evaluate your physical capabilities after you have received medical care for your workers comp or other injury.

Who Performs an FCE?

A Physical Therapist performs an FCE. A PT facility that performs an FCE must follow national guidelines for performing the test and have equipment appropriate for the evaluation.

When is an FCE ordered?

An FCE is a usually ordered when your provider feels you have received the medical care needed in your claim. Regardless of what you will still receive in care, it is not expected that you will improve beyond your ability today. It does NOT mean your care stops. It simply measures your “new normal” or your ability to return to your job.

How long does an FCE take?

An FCE can take as little as 2 hours and up to 2 days, depending on the extent of your injury.

How often is an FCE performed/ordered?

An FCE is a usually performed once near the end of a claim. Sometimes a 2nd evaluation is done if further surgery is needed and the circumstances for the claimant have changed.

What else should I know about an FCE?

A couple of things:

  1. There are two types of FCE’s. A job specific FCE which measures your capabilities against your job requirements, and a General FCE which measures your capabilities in general (ie… you can walk for 20 minutes without stopping).
  2. An FCE determines permanent restrictions for return to work, meaning, your employer will evaluate if they are able to accommodate restrictions if they arise.
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